Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Different Kind of Illness

This weekend, I decided it was time to splurge. There comes a point where you just want good food, good sleep, and good service. The "First World" syndrome: the desire to have things like they are in a First World country. I went to some very nice restaurants, found a nice hotel, and was toured around the countryside by that hotel's hostess. My girlfriend came up for the weekend so it worked out to be a nice and romantic time (we figured the hotel was a good compromise between one of us sleeping on the floor and both of us sleeping on a twin bed...don't think the parents would've liked that). We also went to a game reserve where we got to see giraffes, water buffalo, antelope, and hippos. I also went shopping and got myself a nice new sweatshirt.

I really have no idea what I am going to do for the next couple of weeks. My girlfriend and I have decided that we are going to have some time apart for a while so now, all of my plans are placed on hold. I'll have to come up with some new ones and see what people around here are doing.

The local taxi services are having some trouble along racial lines. One company split itself up into two groups, one for African drivers and another for Indian drivers. The owner is now giving the Indians less hours and less jobs. The Indian drivers aren't too happy about that and there is some conflict growing between the two racial groups within other taxi companies as well.

In other local news, there was an article today by a man who journeyed with several Zimbabweans who were smuggling food across the border from South Africa into Zimbabwe. Apparently, the prices in Zim are inflating and there is not enough food for everyone. Smuggling is now a common occurrence and there are approximately 7,000 people crossing the border every day.

This morning, I had eggs, sausage, ham, and toast. This morning, someone in Zimbabwe was arrested. He was hungry. You can blame whoever you want, I still feel sick.

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