Sunday, December 23, 2007


So I am back in the States. I have been. It has been nice to slowly adapt back into American society. I'm now back to watching American football and basketball instead of soccer and cricket. I now talk about a BBQ instead of a braai. I now have my two crazy sisters instead of crazy room mates. Instead of talking about corruption and money in politics, we now talk about...oh wait, there's no change there.

It is so nice to see my family and friends again. I miss the ones from South Africa but my friends here have known me longer so they get that added plus. Family is something that everyone should value. Even if they might be a little strange. Just kidding! :-)

Everyone asks me, "how was South Africa?" I always answer - "It was weird." It really was. The mix of traditional Zulu culture with modernization. The collegiate atmosphere in the middle of Africa. The silence of AIDS. The troubles of crime. The promise of a developing country and the sheer utter excitement when you get to see it changing over six months. The presidential nominee in political trouble. Nelson Mandela's great triumph. The great residents and the diversity of cultures. The still-lingering racial tensions. How can one truly describe it all?

What have I learned? Don't take things for what they may first appear to be. You will have a very different experience going as a tourist than someone who lives there for an extended period of time. As a tourist, you won't be able to see Africa for what it is. Even after living there for a long time, it would still be hard to say what exactly Africa is. In fact, I don't even think one can adequately give a definition. Sub-saharan Africa is totally different from the rest of Africa and South Africa is totally different than even Lesotho, a country completely surrounded by RSA (acronym for S. Africa).

One thing is for sure: the people who live in the area of southern Africa are people who love. Despite all the statistics and bad parts, these people are committed to creating a renewed community where everyone is accepted for who they are. Then they love to make you better.

So, here in the States - let's do the same. We see all the time during various disasters, big metro ones and personal ones. Let's make it a priority in our lives and live selflessly in love.

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